This blog is an ongoing project that's supposed to help me focus on my current objectives:
Goal 1: Rediscovering what I really love, without inhibitions and influences, and what kind of personal projects I'm honestly interested in, beyond the tastes of the masses. I feel like I want to able able to do "everything" - any subject, any media, out of a need to show I can. Experimenting is great, but I realize if I don't change things, I won't be able to build anything beyond technical improvement.
Goal 2: CLEARED! Acquiring better time management and a healthy lifestyle by getting into some new habits:
- Bed at 12:00, alarm clock at 8:30
- Physical exercise everyday (I live in a park, no excuses)
- Stretching and posture exercises everyday
- Sit correctly during work

OLD "RULES" - Related to the old purpose of the blog. Not that I'm not pursuing these anymore, but I a record of my initiatives. 
There are actually just two self-imposed rules: post frequently, then go analyzer mode and break everything down :)

My goal here is to push myself to become more:
- constant: by exercising and posting weekly. Set minimum is two sketches per week
- daring: by practicing most at what makes me flip tables. I'll post the results, no matter how much they suck, and will hopefully learn to stop giving a fuck if people sees my stuff
- insightful: by grasping the core of what I'm studying. I'll note down anything that could come in handy to understand how the subject works, and analyze what went wrong when I accidentally produce crap.
- light-hearted: by having fun, experimenting with new media and trying out new techniques! I need this badly.

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