
Christmas break

I'm suspending my activities here until January 7 due to pre-Christmas panic, daunting academy projects and impending boyfriend's visit.
After all this lovely madness is gone, I'll pick up posts that need update and regularly post two times per week as planned. 
Happy holidays :3

EDIT: Suspending my activities here until the end of my last academic year. Academy projects need to be prioritized. While keeping sketchbooks, experimenting and practicing with enthusiasm and on a very regular basis (as a sidequest to school stuff) I can't keep up with the written aspect of the blog without feeling it as a burden. For now c;



Currently fighting with school stuff - have a quick cloud painting practice.

Analysis will come later, as soon as I manage to breathe :v


Watercolor week

An apple a day...
I've decided to start a simple training program to practice on the kind of stuff I need to improve on: one exercise from reference per day, for a week. I had a fun Watercolor Week and I plan to start a Clouds Week soon. 
Clouds are nasty. 

Speedsketching at the library

  • I'm proud I was brave enough to try my hand at interiors. Though the results are debatable
  • I'm getting a better handle on working with fast blotches of color and leaving white paper areas
  • Gestures aren't too stiff

  • Stuff looks sloppy without that black pen outline 
  • Something went wrong with the perspective down there. It's weird because I was very careful when sketching the scene - I must have relaxed too much and messed it up during the painting phase

Experience gained: 4 points!
- I MUST do this again, especially with interiors. The amount of skill and confidence gained when painting from life is extremely valuable. I need to think about color and light conditions on the spot and note things down for future reference!
- When geometric perspective is involved, do NOT paint until the sketch makes sense
- I'll mix in less water and more pigment. I need to manage strong, saturated color to make my sketches really expressive and bright and, most of all, not in need of a pen outline :v
- Drawing with a friend helps so much. It's incredible: I was always scared to show my stuff to others, but having someone to work with extensively helps exorcizing, in a way. I feel brave and careless and it's so new to me


    Portfolio. Kinda

    I've been away for a few days, so I "missed" a post last week. But I haven't been slacking and I updated the Finished Pieces section instead - think of it as my current portfolio.
    Enjoy? D: