
Resuming activity

I did it again. I disappeared.
The thing is, online interaction exhausts me, I feel so much more comfortable with “real life”. So when I’m especially busy or stressed out, I shut the Internet off because it DOES NOT help me relax. I only use it to gather information and listen to epic videogame soundtracks and summery latino compilations on Youtube while I work my ass off.
So, what happened this time?

Artbook cover of Antika - the City in the Clouds

The damn sci-fi/fantasy concept artbook I've been "commissioned" by my academy, that’s what :D 
A project well worth investing my time in, but. Despite my teachers’ best intentions, I was tasked with doing something overwhelming and I needed more supervision and feedback. That ultimately destroyed any plan I had for my post-Los Angeles (working) life. I wanted to apply for a studio job, but I could never finish the artbook in time if I actually got a job like that. I wanted to start personal projects. I wanted a website. I got some nice freelance work offers though, and I’m glad I let THAT steal some time away from the artbook project. In the end it all worked out fine – which is more than I was hoping for!
Recap ends here. On my other galleries, a storm of fantasy/sci-fi stuff is on its way.

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